“14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has torn down the dividing wall of hostility

15 by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace

16 and reconciling both of them to God in one body through the cross, by which He extinguished their hostility.”

— Ephesians 2:14-16


  • This group was born during a historic moment through the restrictions brought about due to the COVID outbreak and then the murder of George Floyd, so graphic and tragic. It was a unique opportunity for real change.

    The Reconciled Church is a body of believers in churches across the UK seeking to encourage the Church that there is a desperate need for us to be reconciled to each other and to God. This reconciliation is not only needed on the issues around race but in so many areas of our lives. The reconciled Church is one where we have faced our history and our present reality of oppression and injustice, no matter how ugly it looks, we face it and bring those realities to the cross where Jesus deals with them and we can find peace and forgiveness. 

  • A reconciled Church is, in and of itself, a witness to the world as it achieves a level of racial (or even tribal) unity and harmony unparalleled anywhere else.

  • A reconciled Church has a foundation of repentance, forgiveness and healing and it builds on that through grace.

    A reconciled Church has removed cultural barriers, no matter how precious they are to us.

    The reconciled Church is full of Christians, who first and foremost identify themselves as Christian.

    A reconciled Church has to move beyond the celebration of our differences. It celebrates how Jesus has brought us together on the cross.

It’s for the church


    There are many historic divisions and divides that need healing today. We need to look again at the Scriptures to examine how we might bring about reconciliation in our own contexts.


    The gospel frees us from conforming to cultural norms and expectations. We must ensure that culture does not become our barrier to fellowship. Therefore we celebrate Jesus who unites us rather than what divides.


    Without realising it, we can lean to unconscious bias towards leaders that look like us or at the very least sound like us. Creating wider and new pathways becomes a key for churches that want to follow the Antioch model.

TRC is a collaboration of pastors and church leaders